What is Multimedia and Interactive Learning?

When we think about multimedia, we typically include digital items such as video, PowerPoint, and apps for smartphones and tablets. According to Professor Mayer, multimedia learning entails the study of words and pictures (2014). Students are now exposed to text and images in the majority of their academic learning contexts, as a result of technological advancements.

Photo from Learning Solutions

Why is it Important? 

Through the use of multimedia and interactive learning, we can learn how to construct multimedia learning environments that encourage meaningful learning.

For instance, I am a big fan of K-pop and am attempting to learn Korean through the study of K-pop song lyrics. Some instructional videos and well-designed posters could be shared easily on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Singers can communicate directly with their fans, resulting in a more successful performance.

Overall, I think multimedia and interactive learning are how all lessons should be taught. By making connections between the texts and images together, students could gain a deeper understanding of the material.


Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139547369