Category: Assignment 1 – Blog Posts
In the classroom, the SAMR approach is used to evaluate the effectiveness of multi-media learning and technology. Substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition are the four main components of…
UDL and UID The two frameworks for making teaching and learning more accessible to all learners are Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Universal Instructional Design (UID). UID…
Instructional design The art of generating compelling learning experiences is combined with the science of how the brain functions in instructional design. Northeastern University identifies five top instructional…
Active VS Passive Learning When we think about passive learning, the techniques usually include traditional lectures, reading, and watching videos. On the contrary, Active Learning is an approach…
What is Multimedia and Interactive Learning? When we think about multimedia, we typically include digital items such as video, PowerPoint, and apps for smartphones and tablets. According to…
Multimedia learning is building mental representations from words and pictures (Schnotz et al., 2021). Richard Mayer provides a “cognitive theory of multimedia learning” and describes his considerable study…